Obligations and insurances

If you have a drone, you may need to have an insurance or a flight permit. If these are required for you, you must add them to the operator information. Whether you need to insure the drone, depends on where and what type of drone you are flying. For private users with a drone over 20 kilograms, insurance is obligated based on EU regulations.

We strongly recommend that you take out an insurance for physical or material damage to third parties due to accidents with drones. Check whether your liability insurance covers damage caused by drones.

For more information about obligations and insurance, visit the website of Inspectie Leefomgeving en Transport (ILT). 

  • Is insurance mandatory for you? Then you must add the insurance details to the operator data registered with us. You can also add your insurance details if insurance is not mandatory for you.

    You can add an insurance number using the button 'Change Operator data' (only available in Dutch). Is the operator number registered to your company? Then you must log in with eHerkenning.
  • Is an insurance required for you? If so, you must add it to the operator data we have recorded. You can add your insurance information even if you are not required to have insurance.

    Add an insurance number using the button 'Change Drone Operator data' (only available in Dutch). Is the operator number registered to your company? Then you must log in with eHerkenning.

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