Applying for a certificate of authenticity * = mandatory field Details Family name Initials Date of birth You can type the date in this field as well. Driving licence number Email address Email address for verification Please enter a valid email address. For example: [email protected]. Street and house number Postal code City or town Country Is this your postal address as well? Yes No Postal address Postal street and house number Postal code and city or town Country The costs of applying for a certificate of authenticity I want to pay via Direct debit Bank transfer Name of Account Holder IBAN Consent I hereby consent to RDW charging the costs to my account Please transfer 5,10 euro to account number NL25ABNA0477256600 registered to RDW in Veendam. State your family name and date of birth. Adding annexes Image of the front of the identity card If you want you can upload another document As an applicant, I declare that I have no objection to the data entered being checked I know that it is not allowed to give incorrect information and send incorrect documents