About the Periodic Technical Inspection

The PTI, the Periodic Technical Inspection (Algemene Periodieke Keuring or APK in Dutch) is a mandatory inspection required by law for everyone who has a car. It is not allowed to drive a car without a valid PTI. Postponing a PTI inspection is not permitted. This includes situations such as your car not being in use. It is important that you know whether and when your car will require a PTI inspection. During the PTI inspection the garage will inspect the vehicle for road safety, environmental standards and registration.
  • We will send you a letter to remind that your PTI inspection is due 1 time, 6 weeks before the PTI expires. You will receive the reminder by post or digitally in your Messages Box, if you have set up the Messages Box feature. What happens if you did not receive the letter? You are always personally responsible for ensuring that your vehicle is inspected in time.

    Example of PTI reminder letter

  • 1. Make an appointment with a garage in your area (RDW-approved PTI company). You can find a PTI approved company using the RDW location guide. You can recognise an RDW-approved company by the logo with the text 'RDW erkend' (RDW-approved) and a sticker with the text 'APK lichte voertuigen', 'APK zware voertuigen' or 'APK Landbouwvoertuigen' (PTI light vehicles, PTI heavy vehicles and PTI agricultural vehicles, respectively).

    2. You do not have to show any documents (registration certificate or PTI inspection report).
    3. The garage's PTI inspector will inspect the vehicle. You can find more information under 'Inspection Requirements'.
    4. The costs of a PTI inspection differ per company.
    5. After the inspection you will receive a PTI inspection report. You will receive a report regardless of whether the vehicle passes or fails the inspection. If you do not receive a report, ask for one. The report will state the date when the PTI expires. The inspector will also note any points for repair or rejection and may make some recommendations. In the Netherlands, you do not need to have the PTI inspection report with you when driving your vehicle. If you plan to go abroad, make sure to take the inspection report with you.

    RDW check

    We check whether PTI inspections have been properly performed by means of random checks. If your vehicle has been selected for a random check, you are obliged to cooperate. Our PTI inspector will be there within 90 minutes. When he arrives he will check your vehicle.

  • Road safety, environmental standards and registration

    During the PTI the inspector will inspect your car for a range of requirements concerning road safety, environmental standards and registration:

    • Road safety: Brakes, wheel suspension, shock absorbers, tyres, steering system, lights and bodywork.
    • Environmental standards: Exhaust emissions and the presence of parts like a particulate filter and catalytic converter.
    • Registration: Mileage, vehicle identification number and fuel type.

    Mandatory particulate filter test for diesel cars

    As of 1 January 2023 the particulate filter test is a mandatory part of the PTI. All diesel vehicles that have a particulate filter must pass this test. Diesel cars without a particulate filter from manufacturing year 1980 on will be tested for how much particulate they emit.

    Measurement of exhaust emissions during PTI

    The PTI includes a 4-gas emissions test for cars with a manufacturing year of 1993 or later. This test determines whether the car is emitting more exhaust fumes than is legally permitted. The 4-gas test is performed for cars with a petrol engine or an LPG engine with a controlled catalytic converter.

    Reading out fuel data

    The inspector will gather data on fuel and electricity consumption for passenger vehicles (up to 3500 kg) which have come onto the road since 1 January 2021. We send these anonymized data to the European Environment Agency, so that the EU can get a good understanding of the true consumption of vehicles. You may refuse the reading out of these data.

    More information

    If you want to know the rules and requirements for PTI inspection of vehicles, you can download the PDF files below.

    Additional Permanent Requirements (pdf, 2mb)

    Inspection requirements APK (pdf, 2mb)

    The PDF files are intended to support PTI inspectors in carrying out PTI inspections. The information may therefore be technical. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service.

  • It is not possible to apply for a postponement of the PTI. Everyone must ensure that their vehicle has its PTI inspection in time. For example, if you are abroad, your vehicle is at home in your garage or your vehicle did not pass the inspection and you must first have repairs carried out, postponement is not an option. There are no exceptions. If you drive a vehicle without a PTI, you can be fined by the police.

    How to avoid a fine: suspension

    In order to avoid a fine, it is possible to temporarily stop the PTI obligation. This is called suspension. (Suspension also discontinues the obligation to keep the vehicle insured and to pay motor vehicle tax). If you notify us that you wish to suspend your vehicle, it will no longer need to be PTI approved. However, you are also no longer permitted to drive the vehicle or put it on public roads.

    Mandatory PTI inspection after suspension ends

    When the suspension ends, your vehicle will have to be PTI approved. You can also extend the suspension. If you do not extend the suspension, the vehicle must be PTI approved at latest by the end date of the suspension.

    Driving to the garage

    You may drive a (suspended) vehicle without PTI to a garage or RDW inspection station for the PTI inspection. The vehicle must have third-party liability cover on that day. You may only drive the vehicle around the time of the appointment, from the address where the vehicle is being kept to the address where the PTI inspection is to be performed. Make sure that you carry the confirmation of the PTI appointment with you (stating the time when the PTI is scheduled).

  • If you have a vehicle inspected before the PTI expiry date and the vehicle fails the inspection, the inspector will report the rejection to us. Your vehicle will still be PTI compliant, until the day your PTI expires. You will not be fined.

    Whether or not to drive with your vehicle on the public roads

    It is up to you to determine whether it is wise to drive a vehicle which failed the PTI. Your vehicle no longer satisfies the technical requirements. These are the risks:

    • The police can determine during a check that the vehicle does not meet the technical requirements and fine you.
    • Your insurance company can decide not to pay out a claim after a collision or accident.
  • Would you prefer not to have to arrange your PTI inspection at the last minute? You can easily avoid this problem by having your vehicle inspected from 2 months before the PTI expiry date. If the PTI is performed no more than 2 months before the PTI date, the expiry date remains the same. The new PTI date will be the same date, plus 1 or 2 years (depending on how often your vehicle must be inspected). In other words, your next PTI expiry date will not be 2 months earlier. If your vehicle is inspected more than 2 months before the PTI expiry date, your vehicle will have a new PTI date.

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