Disagreement with rejection
If your vehicle did not pass the PTI inspection and you do not agree, you can file an objection. An RDW employee will come to check whether the rejection was justified or not. It is only possible to object immediately at the inspection. You may not move your vehicle and no further repairs may be carried out.-
You can object to a rejection when you have received the PTI report. If the garage refuses to issue a PTI report, together we can file a complaint against the company.
- Immediately inform the PTI inspector that you do not agree with the rejection.
- Complete the section at the bottom left of the PTI report.
- The PTI inspector will contact us straight away.
- An RDW employee will come to the garage and check whether the rejection is justified.
- If the rejection is not justified, the garage will pay the costs. If the rejection is justified, you will have to pay the costs.
Description Rate 2024 Rate 2025 Complaint/Re-examination on appeal €54,00 €54,00
Disagreement with the approval
Perhaps you doubt that it was justified for your vehicle to pass the PTI inspection. Perhaps you purchased a second-hand vehicle with a valid PTI but have now found defects in the vehicle. You have the following options:
- Report your doubts about the PTI approval to us.
- File an objection with us. This involves costs.
We keep records of all reports concerning every garage that is PTI-approved. We can use your report and the reports of other people when our inspects approved garages. If you would like to know more about how we handle your data, check out our privacy policy. If you have doubts as to whether something is a PTI requirement or not, look on the website with PTI regulations.
We would appreciates it if you make a report.
You can also take the following actions:
Report the matter to the garage's industry organisation (if the garage is affiliated with an industry organisation).
- Seek assistance through your legal expenses insurance (if you have such insurance).
- Report the matter to the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM). The ACM has a special website for this purpose: www.consuwijzer.nl.
If you wish to file an objection, bear the following in mind:
- The longer ago the inspection, the more difficult it will be for us to determine whether the vehicle should have been approved. That is why we do not take objections to inspections that were performed more than 1 year ago into consideration.
- You can only file an objection against the last PTI approval of your vehicle.
- Those parts of the vehicle that you want to be reviewed now may not be repaired between the time of approval and the time of investigation. However, if you want rust damage to be assessed, for example, you can replace the tyres if you wish.
- We only look at the PTI requirements when assessing whether the inspection was performed properly. If you doubt whether something is or is not a PTI requirement, check on the website with PTI requirements.
- One of our specialist must be able to determine whether the vehicle could have satisfied the inspection requirements at the PTI inspection. If the objection concerns parts that are easy to replace and/or are subject to wear and tear (for example: tyres, lights, seatbelts, wheel bearings, brake pads), it is not always possible for us to give an opinion about the condition of the vehicle at the time of the inspection.
How to file an objection
- File an objection with us via the 'Initiating an objection procedure’ button.
- One of our employees will contact you to discuss the next steps.
- We will invite the PTI inspector and the owner of the PTI garage to attend the reinspection of the vehicle.
- We will determine the reinspection location. Usually this will be an RDW inspection station near the site where the PTI inspection was performed. You are responsible for ensuring that the vehicle is brought to and removed from the reinspection location (for example, on a trailer if the vehicle cannot be driven).
- You will receive a report from us in which we give an opinion as to whether or not the PTI approval is justified.
Description Rate 2024 Rate 2025 Complaint/Re-examination on appeal €54,00 €54,00 -
- The RDW will invite the PTI inspector and the owner of the PTI garage for the re-inspection.
- The RDW will determine the location of the re-inspection. This usually takes place at an RDW inspection station in the vicinity of the location of the original inspection. It is your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle arrives at and is removed from the location of the re-inspection (on a trailer if necessary).
- You do not need to possess the actual PTI report. We can see the inspection in our administration. All we do is prepare an official report in which the RDW gives an opinion as to whether the original PTI approval was justified.
What the RDW does not do
- arrange for the repair of your vehicle.
- mediate between the complainant and the company
- issuing the approval. arrange reimbursement, indemnification, etc.
If the garage should not have approved your vehicle, we will remove the approval from the vehicle registration register and reject the vehicle. You will no longer be allowed to drive your vehicle in such case.
You are responsible for:
- suspending the vehicle (you can arrange this directly at the counter of the inspection station),
- subsequently repairing the vehicle and having it reinspected or,
- if necessary, having the vehicle scrapped at an RDW-approved scrapyard.
The costs you paid for the reinspection will be refunded.
Penalty points
We keep a score for each approved company and each inspector: if the inspections are performed properly, they will be awarded bonus points. If the inspections are not performed properly, the inspector and/or the company will receive penalty points. If there are a certain number of penalty points, we will take measures. If it turns out that the garage should not have approved your vehicle, the inspector and the company will be given penalty points under this system.
Lawsuit: civil proceedings
In case of an approval that should not have been issued, we will provide you with evidence (the Official Report). You can use this to bring a lawsuit (civil proceedings) against the person who or the company that sold the car with defects to you. We have no influence on the outcome of these proceedings.