Changing the colour of your vehicle

Do you want to (temporarily) change the colour of your car? Then you must inform us of the new colour. The details on the vehicle registration card and the details of the car must match by law. 
    • You only need to inform us of the colour change of a car and a camper. For other vehicles, the colour is not listed on the vehicle registration card.
    • Even if the change of colour of your car or camper is only temporarily (car wraps), you must let us know.
  • This is how you inform us about the colour change: 

    1. Pleas use our contact form and choose 'another subject'. Fill in your request, the new colour, registration number and your name and address.
    2. Attach a clear colour photo to the form, which also shows the registration number of the vehicle. The photo must show that the vehicle belongs to the registration number. At least 50% of the vehicle must be visible on the photo.
    3. We can only register a limited number of colours. If you have painted your vehicle in different colours and you can distinguish 1 or 2 main colour(s), please state these main colour(s). If you are not sure what the new main colour is, we will decide, based on the photo, which main colour will be shown on the vehicle registration card.
    4. If everything is in order, we will send you a new registration card with the correct details by post within 5 working days.
      • Did you first have a paper registration certificate? Now you will get a registration card. One working day later, you will receive a letter with the registration code.
      • Did you have a registration card? You will receive a new registration card, but not a new registration code. The code you already had, remains valid.

    5.  As soon as you have received the new registration card, you must destroy the old registration card.

  • Changing the colour mentioned on the vehicle registration card is free of charge.
  • If you cannot request the colour change online, you can do it on paper.

    1. You send a letter with the request to change the colour mentioned on the vehicle registration card to:
      RDW unit VRD
      Postbus 30 000
      9640 RA Veendam
    2. In the letter you state the registration number and the new colour of your vehicle and sign the letter.
    3. You enclose a clear colour photo of the vehicle with the letter, on which the registration number of the vehicle is also visible. The photo must show that the vehicle belongs to the registration number. At least 50% of the vehicle must be visible on the photo.
    4. We can only register a limited number of colours. If you have painted your vehicle in different colours and you can distinguish 1 or 2 main colour(s), please state these main colour(s). If you are not sure what the new main colour is, we will decide, based on the photo, which main colour will be shown on the vehicle registration card.
    5. If everything is in order, we will send you a new registration card with the correct details by post within 5 working days of receipt of your letter.
    • Did you first have a paper registration certificate? Now you will get a registration card. One working day later, you will receive a letter with the registration code. 
    • Did you already have a registration card? You will receive a new registration card, but not a new registration code. The code you already had, remains valid.

    6.  As soon as you have received the new registration card, you must destroy the old registration card.

  • You will not receive a registration code if your vehicle is owned by a lease or finance company. The registration code will be sent to the lease or finance company. 

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